Reclaiming my Winter vibes

By: Briana Elmore


The cold weather is something that we cannot seem to escape this winter. All across the country people are trying to figure out how to survive the bitter cold weather. From individuals in southern states getting a complete culture shock with snow to northerners suffering from temperatures so cold they feel like they could crack your face, the winter has killed the vibes of many this year.

As young creative beings it is our responsibility to protect our vibes and innovative spirits by any means necessary.

One of the most powerful things that we have in the world is music and its ability to perfectly transform or enhance any given situation.  Through music, a vast variety of emotions can be articulated without even saying words. In this time of experiencing harshly bitter weather, music can be a means to add clarity, joy, energy, and relaxation to your day. On numerous occasions music can serve as a therapeutic avenue to maneuver through life’s experiences allowing one to become the best version of themselves.

For the creative millennial, music can be the motivator to your next masterpiece that will catapult you into your purpose. Whether you are a young and black professional navigating the corporate world or a free-spirited artist of many art forms, music can provide serenity in a chaotic world.  In all of the complexities that come with being a millennial that has many hustles and big aspirations, music provides simplicity needed to inspire and motivate you to put your best foot forward.

I use music to take me to a place of solitude amongst the company of others who are stuck in the hustle and bustle of attempting to climb the corporate latter. Music serves as a constant reminder that I have a purpose bigger than my current reality that will use all of my creative capabilities. Likewise, music works to push you to a point beyond your expectations to accomplish new levels of success.

This winter, I challenge you to find solace in music. Hit the gym and bump your favorite trap song to make it through your last set of exercises. Release stressors while singing your favorite ballad at the top of your lungs in the car. Rap your favorite verse on the way out of the office. Have a moment of nostalgia with your favorite old school song. Play all of the lemonade album and sing with Queen Bey (and full choreography).

Live your life unapologetically and let no vibe be lost due to anything especially the bitter cold of the winter.